Enjoy unlimited hop-on, hop-off sightseeing bus travel and get the most out of our dynamic and contrasting city.
Adult 799 Baht | Child 400 Baht
Spend a little longer at Bangkok’s major landmarks and take advantage of the extra time exploring the many obscure delights awaiting discovery.
Adult 1,300 Baht | Child 700 Baht
Embark on the ultimate Bangkok adventure, with 49 Stops on four very different routes, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to hop off and acquaint yourself with the ‘City of Angels’.
Adult 1,700 Baht Child 900 Baht
这里是个美食集中的市场,很多美食店,摊等,掺插在这古老艺术的建筑物里。Talad Nang Loeng 社区修建于拉玛五世时期,是陆地上第一座市场,已100多年。最有名是路边摊美食,不能错过的是叉烧蟹肉云吞麵,因为地方不大,可慢慢逐个去嚐试到完为止,每样可算是此区的特点,都很好吃。
SiamHop 请品嚐: 鱼肉香肠,味道酸润,有一点辣,用菜叶捆包食用,或泰国甜品小吃: 蛋黄球,蛋黄花,碗糕,古老式的泰国煎饼。都是有名好吃的甜品。
地址: 曼谷市,榜巴区,那空沙弯路332号
SIAM HOP sightseeing tour?