Enjoy unlimited hop-on, hop-off sightseeing bus travel and get the most out of our dynamic and contrasting city.
Adult 799 Baht | Child 400 Baht
Spend a little longer at Bangkok’s major landmarks and take advantage of the extra time exploring the many obscure delights awaiting discovery.
Adult 1,300 Baht | Child 700 Baht
Embark on the ultimate Bangkok adventure, with 49 Stops on four very different routes, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to hop off and acquaint yourself with the ‘City of Angels’.
Adult 1,700 Baht Child 900 Baht
曼谷市一个非常古老的河岸码头,拉玛四世时,一场大火,把此区四周烧得光光平平坦坦。还有传说,两岸两大佛寺,黎明寺与菩提寺的守门夜叉,因发生误会而打起来,导致此地被剷平,因此得名。而两夜叉被咒罚,永远站在两寺门口守们,一直到今天。目前,塔典码头的建筑物是古老的殖民地风格 (Colonial Style),建于拉玛五世。当时是个非常重要的商业中心,就是到今天还是很热闹,有很多餐厅及咖啡厅在营业。
塔典码头是加工海鲜的大市场,例如: 鱼干,鱿鱼干等等。傍晚到夜间,有餐厅及小型酒巴在营业,虽然不豪华,但很廉宜,又可坐在楼上平台用餐,一边观赏湄南河的弯道及对岸的黎明寺夜景。花几百泰铢,既可酒醉饭饱,又能看到过百万铢的景色,如此价廉物美的事,也只有塔典码头才有。
地址: 曼谷市,帕那空区,玛哈腊路
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