Enjoy unlimited hop-on, hop-off sightseeing bus travel and get the most out of our dynamic and contrasting city.
Adult 799 Baht | Child 400 Baht
Spend a little longer at Bangkok’s major landmarks and take advantage of the extra time exploring the many obscure delights awaiting discovery.
Adult 1,300 Baht | Child 700 Baht
Embark on the ultimate Bangkok adventure, with 49 Stops on four very different routes, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to hop off and acquaint yourself with the ‘City of Angels’.
Adult 1,700 Baht Child 900 Baht
初期的教学方式是政治市场,经过多次的政治风暴,及各年代政治运动,例如: 1973年10月13日,1976年10月6日事件等等。使今日还经常举办政治言论活动,
SiamHop 请品嚐: 大学校内图书馆附近的椰子店的椰子,与众不同的是,店主先在椰子上钻孔,让客人吸完椰水後,劈开後把鲜美椰肉取出,让您站在店面吃完。椰子25铢一个,这区里最好亦最便宜。
地址: 曼谷市,帕那空区,帕珍路2号
SIAM HOP sightseeing tour?