Enjoy unlimited hop-on, hop-off sightseeing bus travel and get the most out of our dynamic and contrasting city.
Adult 799 Baht | Child 400 Baht
Spend a little longer at Bangkok’s major landmarks and take advantage of the extra time exploring the many obscure delights awaiting discovery.
Adult 1,300 Baht | Child 700 Baht
Embark on the ultimate Bangkok adventure, with 49 Stops on four very different routes, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to hop off and acquaint yourself with the ‘City of Angels’.
Adult 1,700 Baht Child 900 Baht
一个新的河上的遊览行程,从Saensaeb到邦喃蒲河,经过七个码头,接通湄南河。让遊客了解河边社区的生活方式,以及曼谷市的建筑工艺。曼谷市曾经被称为东方的威尼斯,Bangkok Canal 有多个上船点,除了邦喃蒲码头之外,还有巴都南(水门)码头,沙攀华畅(象头)桥码头,沙攀盘发(繁华桥)码头等等。费用200铢/人。非常方便及安全。更好的是,可以避开曼谷市内车辆堵塞的交通。
SIAM HOP sightseeing tour?