Enjoy unlimited hop-on, hop-off sightseeing bus travel and get the most out of our dynamic and contrasting city.
Adult 799 Baht | Child 400 Baht
Spend a little longer at Bangkok’s major landmarks and take advantage of the extra time exploring the many obscure delights awaiting discovery.
Adult 1,300 Baht | Child 700 Baht
Embark on the ultimate Bangkok adventure, with 49 Stops on four very different routes, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to hop off and acquaint yourself with the ‘City of Angels’.
Adult 1,700 Baht Child 900 Baht
是石龙军路一座泰国及外国穆斯林来做礼拜的回教清真寺。每天都有很多的穆斯林来朝拜。这座清真寺是一位锯木厂主人,邦 那那女士,在100多年前捐钱建修的。所以就以她的名字命名。他的魅力是在入口上面,有古土耳其的鄂图曼王朝的标誌。估计邦 那那女士一直与鄂图曼王朝有良好的关係。目前已得到崭新的装修。里面墙壁上及天花板上有阿拉伯艺术花纹描述。还有瞭望台。及土耳其式的洗澡堂,以便穆斯林在朝拜前,进去洗澡用。因为土耳其是修建时财力及人力的支持者。所以,才会有土耳其鄂图曼王朝的艺术工艺融合在里面。导致这清真寺成为泰土两国的密切关係的桥樑。
SIAM HOP sightseeing tour?